Duck races are fun and profitable. We have 4000 plastic ducks available to rent to service clubs and non-profit groups in Southern Ontario.
A Duck Race is an enjoyable and financially rewarding warm season, outdoor fundraiser suitable for service clubs and other organizations. The Duck Race is normally scheduled to complement a fair or similar community event. Numbered plastic ducks are set out on a water racecourse and floated to a finish line where winning duck numbers are recorded. Tickets with a corresponding duck number have been pre-sold, with prizes awarded for the winners.
The floating plastic ducks, necessary equipment, and a trailer to hold everything is available for rental by service clubs from the Rotary Club of Dunnville at reasonable rates.
To ask questions about this type of fundraiser, or make arrangements for rental, please use the contact us button at the top of this website. Our DuckMaster will be in touch with you shortly!
More information here:
Floating, numbered plastic ducks are available for rent for a one week period. Cost of duck rentals can be obtained from the DuckMaster. Our Club has an inventory of 4000 numbered ducks in good condition. One months notice is requested to make arrangements. We only serve Southern Ontario!
Contact us for more information, tips on organizing a successful duck race, or to contact our satisfied customers for a reference on our duck rental program. Use the contact us button at the top of the site.
Thank you for your interest! Quack, quack!